Imperial Palace East Garden:

Tokyo Tower:

Nijubashi Bridge:

Wadakura Fountain Park:

Also I went to the National Museum of Modern Art. Photography wasn't allowed, but here are some postcards of pictures I saw.

What it looked like: | What it was: | |
Undercooked chicken | Seared tuna with garlic sauce | |
Giant bright reddish-orange fish eggs | Marinated cherry tomatoes | |
A giant bean | A giant bean | |
Deep-fried many-tentacled thing | Deep-fried fungus thing | |
Scallops | I have no idea. Some sort of potato? |
That being pregnant and giving birth would not injure me, kill me, or inflict fascinating new mental illnesses on me.Of course the universe can't guarantee me a damn thing, and if those are my conditions I shouldn't be a parent. I may be selfish or lazy or soulless or whatever child-having people would like to accuse me of, but I'm not ignorant and I'm not careless, and if that's the best I can do, I'm okay with that.
That my child would be healthy enough and stay healthy enough to grow into an independent adult.
That nothing would ever happen to The Husband and force me to be responsible for another human being all on my own.
That I would always have all the resources I needed to take care of my child.
That my child would be a basically happy, well adjusted person who didn't suffer from anger or sadness that I couldn't understand and I couldn't fix.
Clinton...Or this?
.... flaunts cleavage
Or are you going to say that "flaunts" is too active a verb? She has cleavage. Just happens to have it. Just happens to wear a top that happens to be low enough that you can see it if you happen to have eyes. Just happens to wear it to the Senate floor to give a speech about the cost of education. Are you going to say that we ought to be giving attention to the content of that speech and not to the presentation of the woman who would be President?
Linda Carroll, 59, who lives in Crystal Springs, Miss., and works at an assembly plant, said she supported Bill Clinton and admired Mrs. Clinton for standing by her husband through their marital problems. But Ms. Carroll said she was “not ready for a lady president.”Yeah, we've come a long frickin' way, baby.
“I’m not for this women’s lib stuff,” she said.
You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story of a baking a cookie, succumbing to gluttony, and in turn consuming the very cookie that was to be offered. Bad grammar ensues.
To see all possible results, checka dis.
Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Many of you having been emailing me asking about the helicopters and police in the neighborhood and surrounding areas today. What I know is this:
Earlier today the bank inside the Tom Thumb was robbed. The man claimed to have a bomb, but it was later determined he did not. He escaped into the woods around our neighborhood. The police brought out the search dogs and helicopter to canvas the area. Channel 11 had a crew on site and reported at 6pm that the man had not yet been caught, but that the police believed he was still in the area. They were also searching the DART train station. Our neighborhood is the path he would have taken to reach the DART station from Tom Thumb, so that explains why some of you had police and dogs in your back yards. I am sure that by the 10:00 news all stations will be reporting on it, but channel 11 was the only station I saw on site, so you might want to watch tonight to get a more updated report.
PLEASE take this as an excellent example of why we need to keep our doors locked and garages closed, even in the middle of the day. We live in a quiet little neighborhood that happens to sit in the middle of a very urban area that will inevitably have crimes take place in it. We cannot prevent these types of crimes from happening, but we can make the job of the police a lot easier when we make our neighborhood very uninviting to the criminals.